well, we have completed the east africa tour and are finally back in Nairobi. What a crazy trip. After the congo we made it to Rwanda. Kigali was quite an experience. We made it to the genocide memorial which was incredible as well as Hotel Milles Collines, the hotel featured in the film Hotel Rwanda, and the location where the 10 Belgian soldiers were killed during the conflict (in the pic). The whole time there seemed pretty surreal.
After Rwanda, we flew to Dar es Salaam and then took the boat over to Zanzibar where we spent 4 days relaxing on the beach. We stayed in this awsome hotel on the south east coast of the island. Its called Mount Zion, appropriatly a term used often by the legendary Bob Marely. The place was super-chilled; as expected as it is run by a bunch of 'Bob Marely cigarette' smokin rastas. We had a great time and even did a little snorkeling, it made me pretty damn seasick.

We returned to Nairobi and immediatly were off on safari to Massai Mara. Its the low season so the animals were not so plentiful but it was still a bunch of fun with the great crowd we went with.
My clip finally aired on the cbc. I was away from email for a while and missed my heads up email from the journalist but apparantly you can watch it online. I managed to watch it but I think it is no longer there because the link works for some other news episode now, maybe it was rotated out, I give up. Any suggestions please leave a comment.