First off, check out the picture of this monkey. These things hang out around our office and pop (pun intended) in for a visit every once and a while, which is kinda cool. I don't recall the same entertainment at the office at Enbridge back in Canada, but only the occasional monkying around...(bad joke). Definately a little more exciting with the real monkeys. Anyway, last week I noticed something and could not resist taking a picture. No, that is not a squash ball between his legs.

Ok, enough with the potty humor. Last weekend I was back in Kangemi, the slums, to participate in the graduation of our youth ambassadors(notice the white guy in the back, yup thats me). They are now trained to facilitate community outreaches and events regarding HIV&AIDS issues. CONGRATS to all! After 4 months I know how long these events can take, so I almost purposly showed up a bit late (3hrs, but who is counting). It was very cool, many of the ambassadors performed dances, sang thier songs or played out their skits. It was definately an experience for

my other mzungu friends who have not seen such fantastic Kenyan culture. It was Peder's first weekend in Kenya, he is a new volunteer from Norway and was pretty moved by the passion of everyone in attendance. Its great when an auditorium full of people get up to dance and cheer each other on. Their happiness is always motivating.
Of course, I was expected to give a speech. This time I could not weezel out of it. The MC asked everyone if they wanted me to

speak and they all began cheering. Completely unprepared, I went up babled on for a while. I should have expected it by now. After the graduation a few of my collegues and I took Peder and Ugo out for some Nyemachoma (roasted goat meat), ugali and tuskers. It really completed the Kenyan cultural experience. Here is a picture of Ugo diggin in. MMMM, goat.
1 comment:
Ha ha, matt, you're hilarious! It sounds like you are having a good time. I admire your adventurousness, but admit that I am insanely jealous too!
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