The house we rented was insane. Beyond being a super nice house and very comfortable, we also had our own cook, a servant and an official Massai warrior as an askari (security guard). This is truly the way vacations were meant to be had. We hung out on the beach and tanned, played crazy beach games, tossed around a coconut, caught crabs and raced them and had moonlight swims and bonfires with our Massai askari singing Massai songs for us. Nzuri kabisa.
Here is a picture of all of us who went, quite an international group (L-R) Katharyn(Canadian), Alla (Russian/American), Anna (Finnish), Ally (British), Peder (Norwegian), Me(Canadian of course), Alex (Kiwi) Thanks for the pic Kat http://katinkenya.blogspot.com
Oh Matthew...
I am sooooooooo jealous... that sounds like such an AMAZING time!!!
Take Care
Luv Julie
hey buddy looks like you are living it up... good for you bro!! keep up the blog i check it often at my desk and enjoy reading about your adventures. i raise my glass to you finch!!
james hollins
hey buddy looks like you are living it up... good for you bro!! keep up the blog i check it often at my desk and enjoy reading about your adventures. i raise my glass to you finch!!
james hollins
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