Random things that amuse me in Kenya

- Nothing can top the thrill of walking down a street in Kenya and running into someone wearing a Toronto Maple Leafs jersey, or any sort of leafs apparel. Its hilarious, they usually have no idea what ‘the leafs’ are. I know this because I always have to stop them and ask, then I throw them a high five and leave them awkwardly puzzled.
- Traffic lights are merely a suggestion. No one stops. The roads are insane. I will never complain about drivers in Canada again. You get through an intersection by poking out further and further until you completely block traffic the other direction. Then you go.
- It is quite socially acceptable for men to walk down the street and hold hands. In fact, it’s more common than men and women holding hands.
- I’m rich here.
- There are chickens and goats everywhere. A rooster wakes me up every morning. I wish he would shut the hell up, especially when I am hung over.
- There was a traffic jam the other day caused by a herd of cattle walking down the street….in the city. The Shepard’s brought them in from the country to eat some city lawns.
- Matatus. They are awesome. Rickety 15 passenger vans drive around and pick up passengers, blasting reggae music out of crappy speakers. The industry is so competitive, they will do whatever it takes to get to the next passenger. They often race down the street to the next person. No one gets to their destination until the van has been filled, so that often means backtracking to find more people. One would think that should be quite frustrating, especially when you are in a hurry. But no one in Kenya really stresses out about stuff like that though. People are just expected to be late. You just say, “I’m on Kenyan time”
- Farts smell strangely different here. Maybe there is something in the food?.... Or more likely there is something that is not in the food.

Matt my son. Sounds like you have a lot of time on your hands to really think about things... It really makes you realize what is important in life. Stay away from the Rooster!!!!He's just using YOU to get to ME!!!!
Love you lots
Your farts smell different there eh? HAHAHAHAHA... you make me laugh!! Strangely enough i think the AIR has been smelling different here...a little more clean...must be due to a LACK of your farts!!! hahaha...
Take Care Matthew....
Luv Julie
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